Stop Sending Email! Start sending messages that matter!


Email is, and should be, a pivotal part of revenue driving digital marketing strategy. But in an increasingly noisy world we all have to work harder to build an emotional connection with our customers. What really gains results is the delivery of the right message at the right time via the right channel.

​I was honoured to share some thoughts on the matter on a recent Silverpop webinar with over 100 UK marketers. You can see my slides below. In the session I talk about:

  • how the consumer is in the driving seat
  • what this means to marketers
  • how email shouldn't be a standalone activity and should be part of a multi-channel strategy
  • how a marketing approach based on consumer behaviours is far more effective than one based on broad segmentation

Hopefully you'll find it interesting. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to discuss anything contained within.